Product Features and Details
Model: Top-Trains new class GR623 is an exquisite and unique locomotive. This version of the class 623 is fiited with the "Walshaerts" valve gear and large snow plow. Model is equipped with a high efficiency brushless motor with flywheel giving it the best running performance. Model also features a full cab interior and a functional replicated four cylinder drive system just like the prototype. Top-Trains class GR623 is a very limited model less than a hundred were produced worldwide and we only have a few to sell.
FS 623 Group
The Franco-Crosti heater system was applied to five express trains and fast steam locomotives, the 683 FS prototypes turned out World War II . After this system was applied also to the freight train service with the FS 740 Group giving rise to famous group FS 743. After the success of these applications, it was decided to transform some locomotives for passenger train of group Gr. 625 with low traffic on railways where the reduction in operating costs, achieved by the over heater, would be even more important.
It was decided to transform 35 steam locomotives, between 1952 and 1953, from a large group of FS 625 Group ( originally in the 1952 were 341 units) uniformly distributed throughout the territory.
Only 25 machines of these 625 FS were with the original distribution Walschaerts.
Other 10 steam locomotives derived from the Group 600 FS and were transformed into FS 625 Gr. with distribution Caprotti already rebuilt between 1929 and 1933 providing them at the time of a generating superheated steam and a twin cylinder engine instead of the original compound and Caprotti distribution system valves
The power increased from 800 hp of Gr. 625 to 920 hp of the Gr. 623.
The transformation also entailed a change in the pipers of smoke, water and steam and big changes to the boiler tube. Compared with the 625 Gr. , the ratio of warming surface and the heating surface was increased by 38%.
The water supply was carried out with a pump system Nielebock-Knorr.
Such machines were not widely used or were used only for secondary lines. In this way the effects of transformation were not fully exploited.
The last units Gr. 623 with distribution Walschaerts were eliminated in the 1972.